Audit Committee

The audit committee is supervision the following matters: 

  1. Reviewing financial statements;
  2. Reviewing the appointment, dismissal, independent, performance of the CPAs; 
  3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system; 
  4. Legal compliance; 
  5. Management and control of existing or potential risks of the company.

An audit committee shall meet at least quarterly. For the operation of the Audit Committee, please consult the Company’s annual report for the number of meeting convened for the relevant year.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration committee of the Company is to evaluate the salary and remuneration policy and system for directors and managerial officers based on its professional and objective position. 

The committee shall convene at least twice a year. Please consult the Company’s annual report for the number of meeting convened for the relevant year.
