Sustainable Management Goals

Incorporate environmental sustainability, social responsibility and corporate governance into the company's operational decisions and sustainable development goals to enhance the company's overall competitiveness.


Implement environmental protection measures to reduce negative environmental impacts and move towards green production and the goal of net-zero emissions in 2050.

Sustainable Management Goals

  • Reduce environmental impact
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Participate in carbon reduction initiatives
Mid- to long-term objectives :
  • Complete scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas inventories in 2026 and verification in 2028, and achieve net-zero emissions in 2050.
  • The energy saving ratio in 2035 is ≥10%.
Sustainable Management Goals


Create safe and healthy workplaces, participate in social care activities, and enhance corporate competitiveness.

Sustainable Management Goals

  • Caring for society.
  • Support the disadvantaged.
  • Optimize a safe workplace.
Mid- to long-term objectives :

We will continue to develop the company's safe and healthy workplace and social care activities with the company's strategies and goals.

Sustainable Management Goals
Sustainable Management Goals
Sustainable Management Goals
Sustainable Management Goals


Based on sustainable governance, combined with strategies to improve operating performance and implement corporate sustainable development goals.

Sustainable Management Goals

  • Taking root in green corporate culture.
  • Improve business management performance.
  • Implement corporate sustainability goals.
Mid- to long-term objectives :

The top 20 companies in Taiwan's large enterprise network equipment industry have been promoted to the top 10.
